好用的 crates
总会有新的可适用于开发命令行工具程序的 crates 被发布出来。
本书引用到的 crates
- anyhow - provides
for easy error handling - assert_cmd - simplifies integration testing of CLIs
- assert_fs - Setup input files and test output files
- atty - detected whether application is running in a tty
- clap-verbosity-flag - adds a
flag to structopt CLIs - clap - command line argument parser
- confy - boilerplate-free configuration management
- crossbeam-channel - provides multi-producer multi-consumer channels for message passing
- ctrlc - easy ctrl-c handler
- env_logger - implements a logger configurable via environment variables
- exitcode - system exit code constants
- human-panic - panic message handler
- indicatif - progress bars and spinners
- log - provides logging abstracted over implementation
- predicates - implements boolean-valued predicate functions
- proptest - property testing framework
- serde_json - serialize/deserialize to JSON
- signal-hook - handles UNIX signals
- structopt - parses command line arguments into a struct
- tokio - asynchronous runtime
- wasm-pack - tool for building WebAssembly
其它 crates
Rust 的 crates 景观是不断变化的,你可以在 lib.rs 查找 crates: 以下是一些可能对构建 CLIs 有用的特定的类别: